
Wide or Deep?


This is likely to be a short post, because the answer is so obvious that I probably don’t even need to say it, but get on good old “Flakebook” (Facebook) and you will find people asking:

“How can I be authentic?”



Are you (expletive deleted) kidding me?!

OK…deep breath, I will stop there before I explode into a verbally violent rant.

(Sorry to those wanting…maybe next time.)


Alright, back to it then…

Question: Wide or deep?
Answer: Deep.




Oh, an explanation.


You have two slices of bread.

One slice has a layer of peanut butter thinly spread, but it reaches all the corners and covers the entire slice. However, the truth is it will fall short of satisfying, and the “real” gaps will reveal themselves. In business, this can come in the form of customer or client objections.


This my friends is “wide”.


The other slice has a thick coat of peanut butter. That thick and heavy covering “naturally” covers the slice to all corners, and yet, still manages to maintain a thick quality covering. So filling and satisfying. I’m smiling just thinking about chomp down time on that slice of bread covered in peanut butter.


This is of course “deep”.


In business, an objections or other issues will easily be thwarted or managed by this effort, knowledge, or even product or service.


So, how does one achieve this?

Diligent Time + Sound Effort = Deep


In other words, do your homework.


Let’s say you are doing a handful of case studies to fulfill a quota.


But don’t produce “soggy cookie” quality, just because it is quota filler. Do the homework, if your “snaggle-gooked” for time, outsource to a copywriter (No sorry, not a pitch for my services). Look:

1. Do the deep dive.
2. Interview the experts.
3. Record the conversation.
4. Have your key questions ready to keep the interview on target, this will pay off BIG TIME later when you transcribe (or have it transcribed), so that it is already in an orderly fashion and can be divided into sections much easier, and then flushed out into the standard 2-4 page case study. Yeah okay, or more if required. A case study on a new to market piece of tech or software might be a good reason for this.


Might be.

Remember that.


Again, bottom line, do the work.

That’s deep.



Stay awesome,


“Business-in-a-box” idea for you.

My “BEST” post (so far) !

If you are waiting to start your business, then this is for you.

1. Go to WordPress and start a blog.

2. Go to http://wpbeginner.com and sign up for tips.

3. Pick a topic, for now let’s say: nature.

4. Write related blog posts. Drive traffic and build an in-house list of subscribers.

5. Find other related nature websites and do joint ventures, and get them to do a guest blog post.

6.Set up an Amazon affiliate account and sell Nature related products on your site.
How to here:

7. Go to “click bank” and do the same.
How to here:

8. Go to http://coffeedetective.com and study the site. The owner does minimal (NOT a lot) effort on this site and STILL makes $3-4,000 a month. (Last I checked)
Do the same and have people send in their nature pictures (not coffee).

9. Email your in-house list with offers to your “amazon affiliate” products…OF COURSE!

10. Keep repeating and growing. And make millions $$$ !

(NOTE: I just gave you so much information here, you have NO EXCUSE to not take action. You should probably be spanked if you don’t take action…No EXCUSES!).

Stay Awesome!


Yes, you read the title correctly.

Because your email is the same.
If it “stinks” everyone is going to know it.

Which means, if your email is:
-Long and boring
-Short and boring
(Zzzzzz—sleeping—your email has bored them to sleep!)
-Dry content
…and so on.

You have just committed “seppuku” by email.
That means no sales and loss of:
-Customer interest
-Movement through your sales funnel
-And more


Long emails or short emails…it doesn’t matter.
(Long emails won’t get read—MYTH!)

If you have interesting information, that entertains and informs, then your emails will get read. And sales will be made, as customers and clients get pulled through your sales funnel.

That’s it.
Use it and succeed.

I know that you are a smart and savvy business professional. So I know that you understand this tip can also be used in other forms of marketing.

The key has been put in your hand, now open the door to email success.

Stay Awesome,
PS…If you’re ready for email success, then contact me today.


Guess what?

Give up?

Cool, here we go…

After ignoring this site/blog…whatever it is…

I am back.




You (maybe): Ummm…”Re-Awesomed” that’s a made up word there, Mac.

Me: So what?!


1. I’m back.

2. I’m am no longer going to tippy-toe and try be the polite,make everybody happy guy.

3. I know some of the older posts have some awkward font sizes and stuff.
I tried to fix it, I couldn’t…so after I figure it all out–the “how to” (remember 5 year absence), I will archive the past posts, and “roll out” with the NEW.



If you like, then…enjoy, welcome, and stick around. It will be fun and informative.

Otherwise, Good-bye.

Really, I don’t care.
I don’t want your unsolicited opinion.
But good luck to you and your endeavors.

That is all.

Stay Awesome,




Today we have:

A “BIG” business tip for

small and mid-sized businesses

In 7 easy steps 



I often see a lot of great advice in business forums and threads, but the advice in many cases focuses on the surrounding circumstances. This is important.



Of course.



But it is not the only answer. Sometimes a solid technique is what is called for, but there aren’t enough techniques. So here I am. Ready to give you a 7 step technique that you can implement today.



Here we go:

1. Outline the specific service or product that you wish to promote.

2. In addition to point number one: Run as many campaigns as you like, but focus on the one product or service for optimal results.

3. Rent a list or cull out the hottest prospects from your in-house list.

4. Send a post card mailing to these prospects. As I understand it, mail gets organized by sizes, so postcards go on top. Also a postcard is “open” so it often gets past the gatekeepers and a very cost effective tool in terms of direct mail.

5. In the post card: Introduce a website for a free download. Have information about your service or product. Or tell them that another package will be coming with more information, so look for it.

6. Be cryptic & persuasive with your postcard copy–BUT–not spooky.  Aim to generate interest.

7. Have your sales staff follow up by phone.



Land sales.

Then rinse and repeat.



Bonus point:
If possible, send an email too. Email combined with direct mail has increased results in many cases. Get that message in front of your prospect.

Good luck to you and your endeavors,
Mac Bull

Also... For more on marketing, copywriting and other fun things, follow me on Twitter. 
Here: http://twitter.com/CopyByMac
Please remember that I am an American copywriter and translator in Japan.
So don't be surprised by the occasional tweet in Japanese.

One more thing...
I want to hear your comments. So please share your thoughts.

See the opt-in box up in the right-hand corner? Sign up to
have the ease of each new post delivered to your in-box.
Recently I was in a business forum and there was a comment about an individual
struggling within a certain industry.

As always I gave my advice. 
(Names and the like have been removed to respect the individual's privacy.)

Here it is:

I am sorry to hear that your friend is struggling with getting leads and the like.

I have heard others say this, too.
They blame the economy...I don't.

It's all about the following 3 things:

1. Properly positioning yourself.
2. Optimizing and revising your marketing strategy.
3. Having a system.

For example:

If the trade publications are telling me that 10% of my time MUST be devoted 
to marketing, then I am going to put in 20%.

Forgive me.

I'm militant. 
But I am not sitting on the sideline. 
I'm not blaming the economy. 

Instead, I'm growing.

Here's why...

1. Highly targeting my efforts.
2.  Going straight for the decision maker.
3. Increasing the amount of my marketing efforts.
4. Thinking outside the box and testing results. Refining were applicable.
5. Working my in-house list, while continuing to making sure it grows.

Ultimately, I have taken hits. Just like everyone else, I have suffered.
But I used that to feed the fire.

I turned it into fuel and implemented the above five points.
Things are turning around.

Now I am doing the same for a Japanese export client of mine.

I sincerely wish you, your colleague, and everyone else strength
in these challenging times. 

...and that was my advice.
I hope you got something from it.
Use it. Go grow your business today.

For more on marketing, copywriting and other fun things, follow me on Twitter.
Here: http://twitter.com/CopyByMac
Please remember that I am an American copywriter and translator in Japan.
So don't be surprised by the occasional tweet in Japanese.

One more thing...
I have a fairly new client that is an exporter of Japanese goods. I am really busy with 
this one client (and other clients), so there are delays in blog posts and replies. I am 
trying my best to be on top of things and keep up. So please be forgiving of slight delays.

Good luck to you and your endeavors,
Mac Bull

I'd love to hear your cheers and jeers. Leave a comment.


Once again, I was in a business forum and someone from overseas was looking to have their firm do a venture with a Japanese company. They were wondering how to go about doing that. To protect the privacy of the individual I have changed some of the information. But the content is all here.

Here was my advice:

It’s going to take some effort, but here is what I would do…

  1. Get the name of the decision maker at the company. Send this person a post card introducing who you/your firm is and why you are contacting them. Tell them that you will be sending more information soon. The post card is open. It is a great tool to get past the gatekeepers and introduce yourself. Get the attention. BUT…don’t tell everything. Not yet, build interest.
  2. Follow up with a letter that goes into the details of the venture project you aim to enter. Push the benefits. Talk about what’s in it for them. That’s how you will land the deal. Don’t toot your own horn and hope they jump on. Too many follow this path to sheer disaster.
  3. Send an e-mail or a fax reviewing the main points of the letter.
  4. Follow up with a phone call.

BONUS: If this is a cold approach to the Japanese company, which it sounds like it is, then you are going to have to gently introduce yourself and gradually build the relationship.

Don’t try to sell the deal in one shot. Big mistake.

Follow the 4 steps above and you will get your foot in the door. Also you will find your message in front of those you aim to reach. The rest is up to you to build the relationship and close the deal.

That was my advice.

I hope you found it useful and can use the information in your business dealings.

Good luck to you and your endeavors,

Mac Bull

Also: Your thoughts and feedback is greatly appreciated. So go ahead and leave a comment in the section below.

If you want more on marketing, copywriting, and other fun things, then follow me on Twitter.

Go here now:   http://twitter.com/CopyByMac


Recently I gave advice in a business forum on how to sell overseas. I removed the person’s name and other information for privacy.

He was looking to sell his product outside of  Japan. However, I think the advice is useful to everyone no matter where you are selling from.

Here it is…

Hello (name removed),

I applaud your efforts to sell abroad!

Now a Facebook page is a good start.


Here is what you NEED to do:

1. Set up your own website. A simple landing page or mini-site will do.

2. Set up a adwords account. Use adwords to drive traffic to your website.

3. Once you have that rolling and working for you, then it is time to move
offline and go with direct mail. You can even look into renting lists and
mailing out to them.

That may sound like a big deal and scary, but really there are easy and effective ways to do it.
Ways that are “not scary” and “not painfully costly”.


What have you done in terms of market research?
I did a quick search for lists outside of Japan for “X” and found nothing.
However, there were “related” results for “A”.

Is market research outside of Japan an area that you need help with?

Do you have any idea what your price point will be?
Or at what price point you would like to start testing at?

This is just the beginning.

Get Google adwords going for you and driving traffic.
If it is a high-end item, then you may want some sort of “giveaway” to help build
your list and customer interest.

That is enough to get you started.

If you need further assistance or have questions then contact me through ***—-you are free to do so.

If you would like this same post in Japanese, let me know and I will provide that for you.
However, I might not get to it right away, as I have a fair amount of client work.

I wish you the best of luck. It sounds like an interesting project.

All the best,
Mac Bull
Copywriter, Translator
and Marketing Consultant

…And that was my advice.

I hope it was useful to you as well.

Good luck to you and your endeavors,

Mac Bull

For more on marketing, copywriting, and other fun things, follow me on Twitter.

Go here:   http://www.twitter.com/CopyByMac


What did you think of this blog post?

Leave your comments in the reply box below.


Today I wanted to give you a taste of how to write an effective…Press Release.

How to write an effective press release…here we go.

1. The press release should be written in a way that is attractive to the media, journalists, and the like. Therefore, in must be written in third person. Also less than 500 words is optimal, so the message should be conveyed in 3-4 paragraphs.

2. You need a compelling headline.

3. Following the headline, start with the location and date. This first paragraph must grab the reader. This is where the “5 W’s” come in to play. Who, what, when, where, and why. If you can do this you have a solid introduction.

4. Because it is for the media, all information should be checked, factual, and written with clarity. The next 2-3 paragraphs are the meat of your press release.

5. The main part of your press release should tie in with current issues where applicable. Any customer or staff related quotes will bring proof and legitimacy to your press release. It will make it more tangible to the reader.

Sample introduction:

For Immediate Release


SANTA MONICA, California (April 20,2011)- MedCare Inc., a medical software company based in Santa Monica, California has come up with a new cloud based software system that is sure to send waves throughout the medical industry. It is no surprise that this young startup company has received over $41 million in grants and funding. Furthermore, the software and applications they have created and continue to create have sent buzz waves through the medical industry.

There you have it.

NOTE:  The above is a fictional sample based on various data.  

Good luck to you and your endeavors,

Mac Bull

For more on copywriting, marketing and other fun things, follow me on Twitter.

Go now to:  http://twitter.com/CopyByMac



Today’s message is for those in the startup arena or those marketing on a tight budget…for whatever the reason.


I have a very short message for you today.


I have found a place on the Internet that has quality images that you can use for your business and marketing purposes starting at the price of $1.


I like this site and used it in the past.


I recently remembered it, so I am sharing.


What is it?


Go here:





I hope that helps you out in regards to your business needs.


Good luck to you and your endeavors,

Mac Bull



For more tips on copywriting, marketing, and other fun stuff, follow me on Twitter.

Go to:    http://twitter.com/CopyByMac